Osama Yousuf

Deep Learning and Analog AI.

Graduate Research Assistant osamayousuf@gwu.edu

I am a PhD Candidate in Computer Engineering at the Adaptive Devices and Microsystems (ADAM) Lab from George Washington University, specializing in Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems.

I am a very avid machine learning/AI enthusiast, and deeply enjoy keeping up-to-date with research in the area. I believe the future of AI systems is analog, and architecturally is a mix of modern-day LLMs and classical AI reasoning & search based approaches.

I bring a unique blend of software and hardware engineering expertise from academic as well as industry roles. I can engineer my way around deep learning frameworks (🧠💡 I enjoy experimenting with new ideas; I speak native PyTorch at this point 🐍📊), design & prototype hardware systems (🔧💻 getting better at FPGA-based system design & verification 🛠️⚡), and build AI-first full-stack web applications (🌐🤖).

Throughout my PhD, I have tackled challenges across the hardware-software stack: from characterizing individual devices and crossbar arrays, to creating kernel drivers for analog and mixed-signal systems, and developing software solutions like data-driven device models and deep learning libraries for evaluating and implementing emerging memory technology-based accelerators for deep neural networks of all kinds.

I graduate in Spring 2025 and am actively seeking Research Scientist and Research Engineer opportunities in deep learning and AI. I want to be part of a company with a challenging work environment where I can contribute to advancing AI technologies and grow my expertise.

selected publications

  1. Frontiers
    Gradient decomposition methods for training neural networks with non-ideal synaptic devices
    Junyun Zhao, Siyuan Huang, Osama Yousuf, Yutong Gao, and 2 more authors
    Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2021
  2. ICONS
    A system for validating resistive neural network prototypes
    Brian Hoskins, Wen Ma, Mitchell Fream, Osama Yousuf, and 7 more authors
    In International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems 2021, 2021